Visitors to this page since Feb. 20, 2007
Looking out the back from the Melders' house. That Mourning Dove on the bird feeder in photo at right found a home. They are not as wary as Bluejays, which eat and fly away at the sight of anyone. Bluejays are always looking out for Red-tailed Hawks, which are always looking for them. That little wooden thing hanging from the pole at the right is for woodpeckers. There is a screen on the bottom and they hang upside down and eat the suet.
At left is Zambelli Plaza, the corner where we used to hang out on Monday nights. This corner had several merchants, including a drug store, John's news store, Pagley shoe repair, Kerr's Jewelry and the Sweet Shoppe. That's the former First Federal Building in the background, now First Merit. The plaza was built in honor of the late George Zambelli, owner of the fireworks company.
Note: These pictures
were taken with a 1.3 MP
LG phone camera.