Visitors to this site since Feb.  6,  2007
Class of 53

Hi Bob:

Talked to Norm Genkinger (Saturday). He told me that a tornado wiped out a whole village 4 miles north of him. He is OK. A lot of rain and high winds.

However, he is ill and will probably go to the hospital. Not sure what is wrong. Believe it has to do with fluid on the heart. Pray for him.

Chuck Cuba
New Castle, Pa.


Hello everyone:

Just letting everyone know that we are doing fine up here in the panhandle of Fla. We got a lot of rain from that storm that hit central Fla. I have a very good friend that lives in Ocala Fla.which is just northwest where the storm hit. He is also from New Castle but did not go to Ne Ca Hi.

Thanks Bob for your concerns for the people from New Castle that live here in Fla. If I hear from anyone from that area I will surely let you all know about them. Also I would like to thank you again for this website. Take care and God bless you all.

Lester Wolthers
Shalimar, Florida


Class of 52

Hey Bob:

We, in Jupiter, farther south and east of the tornado area, are fine.

Cloudy skies, wind, and showers.  That's it for us.  This report includes
Rosy (Rose Mary Pagley Flanagan of Tequesta), too.

We thought all we had to worry about were hurricanes.  Ha. Now

Keep up the good work with the web site.  We all appreciate it!

Jean McIlwraith Tebay
Jupiter, Florida


Hi Bob,

The tornado didn't hit near us,  we just had a lot of rain and colder weather.

Of course it is a lot warmer here than in New Castle. We are having a good winter.

Ranier Devido
North Port, Florida


(We received this from Jim Joseph, who runs the Class of 55's website:)

"Received this note from my classmate, Phil George.

'Hi Jim

'We winter at Lady Lake Fl. Were about half mile from the church that has been on TV. The storm missed us but people down the highway were not so lucky.

'Phil George' "

Jim Joseph

Reports from classmates after tornadoes in Florida